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Guidance programme

Showing 21 to 30 of 343

Guidance and quality standards awaiting development
Apadamtase alfa for preventing and treating congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura caused by ADAMTS-13 deficiency [ID6192]Technology appraisal guidance
Apalutamide with radical prostatectomy for untreated high-risk, localised or locally advanced prostate cancer TS ID 11967Technology appraisal guidance
Aquablation robotic therapy for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasiaMedical technologies guidance
Atezolizumab as neoadjuvant (with chemotherapy) and adjuvant (as monotherapy) treatment for early triple negative breast cancer ID 6200Technology appraisal guidance
Atezolizumab as neoadjuvant (with chemotherapy) and adjuvant (as monotherapy) treatment for resectable non-small-cell lung cancer [ID3894]Technology appraisal guidance
Atezolizumab for adjuvant treatment of high-risk locally advanced squamous cell head and neck cancer [ID4052]Technology appraisal guidance
Atezolizumab with cabozantinib for treating hormone-relapsed metastatic prostate cancer after 1 therapy [ID6203]Technology appraisal guidance
Atezolizumab with chemotherapy for treating relapsing recurrent advanced triple-negative early breast cancer [ID6152]Technology appraisal guidance
Atezolizumab with chemotherapy for untreated recurrent or advanced endometrial cancer TSID 10710Technology appraisal guidance
Avacincaptad pegol for treating geographic atrophy caused by age-related macular degeneration [ID6401]Technology appraisal guidance

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