Podcast list

  • Changes to guidance topic selection

    We’re proposing changes to how we select topics for guidance production. This is to ensure we focus on what matters most to the health and care system.

  • Digital therapies to treat mental health conditions

    Following Mental Health Awareness Week, we hear about 4 NICE-approved digital technologies that can help children and young people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety or low mood. TX

  • Our guidance on virtual wards (hospital at home) services - Test

    More than 10,000 virtual ward beds will be used by the NHS in England this winter to care for people with an acute respiratory infections. To learn more about the benefits and opportunities of introducing a virtual ward, or hospital at home service, our guests are Mark Salmon, programme director in the Science, Evidence, and Analytics Directorate at NICE and Becky Housley, consultant nurse at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with responsibility for the virtual health hub.

  • Updated guidance on stroke rehabilitation

    It is estimated that there are around 85,000 strokes every year in England, with over 1 million people currently living with its long-term effects. We catch up with Jon Brown, chair of the independent committee and Professor Stephen Hill, lay member on the committee about NICE’s updated guidance on stroke rehabilitation. alpha testing


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